Monday, October 17, 2016

#8 Postcard - Strike

     The man with the hypnotizing voice, the one the broadcast billed as Morgan Freeman, James Earl Jones and Alan Rickman all rolled into one, cuddled his head in his arms oblivious to the chaos around him as the presidential election drew to a close. He was scheduled to go on air in five minutes and calm the world's fears.
     "What did you give him?" the station manager gritted between her teeth.
     "Just something for his headache.” The programmer dug through her purse. "Oh, oops."
     “I’ll get coffee and you keep trying to wake him up.” The station manager stalked out to the break room only to discover the coffee machine was broken. 
     Decision made, she clipped back to the studio and shoved the host upright. The sound of palm popping cheek shocked the crew and brought the host sputtering awake protesting abuse. 
     Her strike three.

For this writing prompt I found the website Writing Prompts that Don't Suck! The prompt is as follows: "Write a story in which a broken coffee maker has a huge impact on the world around it."

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