Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Group of Friends...

Just before the Earth Day Dallas event, I joined a group called the DFW Tiny House Enthusiast, and the first meetup was occuring during Earth Day Dallas. Due to monster sized crowds, I didn't get to meet anyone.
Wow! Look at that mob!
The crowds at Earth Day Dallas are actually tentacle lines with no
visible ends. I decided to forego the tour since, as Bill informed me, 
I actually already live in a tiny house.

I also didn't realize that the group relied on volunteers to show the house, until I figured out that DFW Tiny House Enthusiast also had a Facebook page which is much more active than their Meetup page. Once a call went out for volunteers at Taste of Dallas, I put my name in the pot and spent most of Sunday answering questions and counting people as they approached the tour areas. The volunteers in my area were responsible for 3 larger tiny homes 189 - 360 sq. ft. But the most exciting part was meeting the people, especially fellow volunteers who were really cool, awesome, engaging and like-minded.
Little Home of Mine


The Whittle Wagon 

There's something rejuvenating about being around people who share the same interests and passions. I'm looking forward to the next adventure this weekend in Austin at the Kasita Repeata Meetup.

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